
Nfinit Communications works to first listen, learn, and then execute a proactive communications plan for your business, organization, or event regardless of your size or reach.


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Who We Are

With decades of experience in public relations, communications, social media, eCommerce, and marketing, we want to be your visibility partners. The answers to your pressing questions about getting your business “out there” can be answered by our team. More than contractors or advisors, we want to be of service to your business. We create win-win situations with those we partner with.


About Us | About You

From non-profit to small and medium-sized, to large corporate entities, Nfinit Communications can help secure the visibility and exposure desired. Delivering results is the key to the communications partner/client relationship and Nfinit delivers. We have delivered tangible results for our clients in the past, but we are even more proud to leverage our expertise to benefit you.

What to Do Today

We are honest enough to tell you when something is or isn’t a story, while working with you to find the elements of your company, product, event, or story that is newsworthy for the right target. Getting your message out is important – getting it in the right outlet is even more important. We are dedicated to results and developing and preserving relationships with our clients. 

Effective Communications is Key To Your Growth - Period!

While you are growing or maintaining your brand and reputation, you must have a communications partner on your team that can understand you and direct you onto the right platforms and utilize the latest communications technology and tools. It isn’t good enough to just send out a news release or chase something just because your competitor across town is doing it.

We Work With Companies/Organizations of All Sizes

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Reach Us

We work every day to help you grow your brand. We understand your business is important to you and you want to grow.

(313) 451-4682

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