Adapted from Harvard Business Review management tips blog post


Every business reaches seminal decision points in their existence. Often, the challenge becomes pulling the trigger on that next level “thing” or partner that will get you where you want to be. When you think about it, how much is that next level worth?

Effective Communication

There is so much coming at any entrepreneur on any given day. If you effectively plan and the stars align, you get to a place where you can see where you want to go and know you need help to get there. A part of “getting there” is be


ing able to effectively communicate the message of who you are and what you do to the right audiences.That doesn’t mean everything you want and need to say is newsworthy from a media standpoint. What it does mean is you need to clarify and crystalize your message, decide who you need to communicate it to and then get about the business of getting it out there.

Here is an excerpt from a post on the Harvard Business Review website that may help. The three elements of great communication for your business or for yourself:

  • Credibility. Prove your authority by demonstrating technical expertise in a specific area, which helps convince people that you know what you’re talking about. If you can’t do that, display integrity and character, which convinces them that you’re not going to lie to them.

  • Emotional connection. People need to believe that what you’re saying will matter to them. Connect by giving them your undivided attention and linking your message to something they care about.

  • Logic. All the authority and empathy in the world won’t help you if people don’t understand your basic idea or how you came to your conclusions. Make a clear argument that people can follow and use data and analysis to back up your points.


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