Public Relations (PR) is raising awareness (or gaining visibility) of your product, effort or service. Nfinit Integrated Communications helps you get that awareness you are looking for. When you go out there to look for a PR firm, you need to partner with someone that has the relationships with the media (locally and nationally) and the experience to get your product/story in front of the right reporter/blogger. Just sending out a press release doesn’t guarantee anything. If someone comes to you saying they’ll send out your release without targeting it first – they’re wasting time. Spamming the media with irrelevant information does not get you in the news.

website photo microphoneWe help secure media coverage for our clients in all sorts of media outlets, including online, consumer and trade print and broadcast (radio and television). We are in contact with local and national reporters all the time looking for opportunities that will benefit you and the reporter working on a story.

Is PR right for my business?

In many cases, by the time someone thinks they need PR; it’s almost too late. Instead of an afterthought, PR has to be a part of the beginning, the middle and the ongoing business strategy.

You can’t run a business into the ground and then say to yourself, “We need PR.” PR can help businesses raise awareness, build name recognition and company credibility, but it can not be expected to come in and save a business that is failing – (by itself).

Are PR and Advertising the same thing?


No. Public Relations is working to position free editorial content in media outlets. Advertising is paid for display, print and/or campaigns.

While advertising affords you the opportunity to totally control the message you will ultimately see in print/broadcast, it can be extremely expensive and isn’t always seen by your target audience. For perspective – one insertion (ad) in a major local paper on a Sunday can cost you more than $5,000.

The attention you get from PR AND advertising work together to achieve your end goal of visibility, awareness and dollars/customers. You don’t need one or the other – you need both. Anyone that tells you differently – RUN!


Does PR guarantee sales?


No. But, it does raise awareness and credibility.

Those that have “tried” PR in the past will sometimes say, “I tried that PR stuff and it didn’t work.” Well, what was your complete plan? Did you even have one? To beat a dead horse – you need to have advertising, PR and social media to have a chance at reaching your bottom line goals.

While there is no direct correlation, you may see a bump, if your total plan is executed effectively.


How long before I see results?


Public relations is an ongoing process. If you are just trying to get awareness of a grand opening or single event, you can see some results immediately. But, that can’t be the whole story. You have aspects of your business that may seem mundane and ordinary to you that could be parlayed into ongoing media attention. Let Nfinit Integrated Communications help you identify the untold stories within your business.

It can take up to six months to see results on some efforts. Online coverage can be the first to appear, followed by print and broadcast coverage. Since the lead (submission) time for some national publications can be three months or more your jewel of a story in a big national publication could be four months away. Hire well and then, be patient.

If you are willing to put in the time and be diligent, the possibilities and results can be mind blowing!


Let us design a communications program for you –  contact us with questions.