
Here are several blogs, free tools, and content to help you and your business


Making Mobile Work for your Business

Making Mobile Work for your Business

It's easy to make mobile work for your business. Time Magazine recently reported some 84 percent of small businesses that are smart enough to use mobile marketing s part of their new business efforts meet with success. The survey was conducted by ad Lab42....

3 tips to Great Business Communication

3 tips to Great Business Communication

3 tips to Great Business Communication. Be a better communicator now. Every business reaches seminal decision points in their existence. Often, the challenge becomes pulling the trigger on that next level “thing” or partner that will get you where you want to be. When you think about it, how much is that next level worth? A post in the Harvard Business Review offers three tips to great communications for you or your business.

Congratulations – You’re in Business, Now What?

Congratulations – You’re in Business, Now What?

You've worked hard to build a business. Now, you're ready to take it to the next level. Everybody tells you that you should be advertising here, doing interviews there, holding a press conference. But, you have no idea what to do to get that buzz going. You starteed...

What to Do Right Now?

What to Do Right Now?

We are savvy enough to understand how to get your message out there… Dedicated to results and developing/preserving relationships… Honest enough to tell you when something isn’t a story, while working with you to find the element of your company story that is newsworthy

Listen First, Then Act

Listen First, Then Act

The key to successful communications is to listen first, then act. At Nfinit, we aren’t going to come to you with a cookie-cutter approach and push it at you. We will listen first, to better understand what you need and then design a program that meets and exceeds...

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