You’ve worked hard to build a business. Now, you’re ready to take it to the next level. Everybody tells you that you should be advertising here, doing interviews there, holding a press conference. But, you have no idea what to do to get that buzz going.

You starteed your business because you have a passion, right? Sure, you want to make money, but passion is in there too. Well, the good news is that yu can get to the next level, whatever that means for you. The challenge is, where to turn.

Shake hands website photoAt Nfinit Integrated Communications, we are your visibility partner. When you hire us, we become a proactive extension of your in-house team. As you probably already know – you don’t have to be an expert at everything, you just have to be smart enough to build a team around you that can get the job done. WE have the expertise to get it done for you – whatever “it” is.

What worked for your friend’s business may not work for you. The sam can be said for your competitors. Just because they have a Facebook page and an ad in the local shopper circular, doesn’t mean it is right for you. Hire professionals that can strategically analyze where you are and what will work best for you.

Your business is important to you – there are people depending on your success. Make the right decision and bring on experts in the area of public relations, marketing and social media to make your success sustainable.

Call us today for a consultation at (313) 451-4682 or email us at


Image courtesy of Flickr By Smart Train